Whittlesea Youth

Vision Statement
The Whittlesea Youth Commitment (WYC) is committed to providing young people in the Whittlesea LGA the support required to enable inclusive access to engage in education, training and employment.
Statement of purpose
The Whittlesea Youth Commitment aims to:
provide a collaborative platform for local organisations, businesses, education providers, community groups, and government departments to explore ways of working together to enhance young people’s access to education, training and employment
to address identified needs and barriers for vulnerable young people
develop partnerships to provide additional supports for young people with identified needs.
advocate for services and facilities that provide improved support for young people in the City of Whittlesea.
The objectives for the WYC are to:
Facilitate a platform for local organisations, businesses, education providers, community groups, and government departments to share inclusive education, training and employment opportunities appropriate to the needs of young people in the Whittlesea LGA
Provide opportunities for the sharing and disseminating of updated information which impacts education, training and employment policies, procedures and practices relevant to the needs of young people
act as a conduit for providing access to key stakeholders working to support outcomes for young people for the purpose of knowledge sharing and development of potential collaborations
Support young people’s transition from secondary school to further study, training and employment by providing initiatives which improve their access and awareness of career pathway opportunities.
Support collaboration with stakeholders to develop and implement programs/projects that support the needs of young people to overcome barriers to education, training and employment
Improve local connections between schools, community and industry to increase awareness of future employment options and to further develop employability skills
Beginnings and background
In 1998 an action research project undertaken by The Dusseldorp Skills Forum identified a lack of connection between the various agencies working with young people and identified a low level of systems knowledge among young people. Data at this time showed low school retention rate in comparison to other regions and high unemployment. The research across Australia indicated significant numbers of young people were not in work or education or were in part-time work with no training. It also showed that 70% of those at risk of long-term unemployment were early school leavers.
Local data was presented in a series of forums within Whittlesea and, as a result of those presentations to key stakeholders, the Whittlesea Youth Commitment was formed. With the establishment of the Hume Whittlesea Local Learning and Employment Network in 2001, a strong collaborative relationship was developed with the HWLLEN whereby the WYC became recognised as the local planning group for Whittlesea within the LLEN.
Since its inception, WYC has continued to work closely with key stakeholders who support young people in the Whittlesea LGA and maintains connections with stakeholders via a Spirit of Cooperation Agreement process every three years. This Agreement unites representatives from various organisations to the ‘Commitment’ of supporting young people in the City of Whittlesea and is underpinned by the renewal of the WYC Action Plan. The WYC Action Plan, as a living document, is developed and refined to ensure it remains current and relevant to addressing emerging challenges and gaps and aims to create opportunities for collaborative initiatives to be developed and implemented within the existing scope of participating partners.
Evidence informed actions
The WYC aims to identify needs relating to young people’s access to education, training, and employment as identified through current and emerging trends noted through the stakeholder networks (WYC Community Team and WYC Strategic Advisory Group). Themed WYC Community Team meetings help direct issues to the attention of the WYC Strategic Advisory Group for further consideration and action.
The WYC’s evidence informed approach is supported by relevant data sourced from various local, regional, and statewide data.
WYC Spirit of Co-operation Agreement
The WYC is formalised by a Spirit of Cooperation Agreement re-signed every 3 years by stakeholders who are committed to supporting the vison and aims of the Whittlesea Youth Commitment. .
The WYC will deliver on this Commitment by bringing together representatives from education, training, employment agencies, service providers and local businesses to enhance the opportunities for youth in the City of Whittlesea.
The purpose of this Spirit of Co-operation Agreement is to formalise arrangements stakeholders to:
Confirm the principles of the WYC.
Maintain communications strategies to engage WYC stakeholders and make connections by sharing knowledge, expertise and resources in a spirit of co-operation.
Commit to collectively using best endeavours to undertake the proposed work of the WYC and support and encourage partnerships between schools, industry, education providers and community to bring about a strategic and whole-of-community approach to benefit young people.
The Agreement
As a signatory to the WYC Spirit of Co-operation Agreement, you commit to doing what you can within your own organisational structures and operations to support the aims of the Whittlesea Youth Commitment and its Action Plan.  This can be demonstrated by your organisation’s involvement in the activities of the WYC, such as:
Participate in our events such as Career Networking for Young People and Whittlesea Careers Expo, Real Industry Job Interviews, Vocational Education Awards, School Industry Tours.
Register as a guest speaker to inspire students about your industry and profession.
Share stories about your pathway and aspirations via our many programs or online presentations.
Attend WYC Community Team meetings.
Talk to us about partnering with other organisations to provide support programs.
List your organisation in and / or sponsor our Whittlesea School Leavers’ Guide.
Offer work experience / work placements or SBATs for young people.
Invite school students to visit your workplace.
Provide access to school careers practitioners to learn more about your industry.
Present at careers seminars.
Become a mentor.
Assist with employability skills workshops.
Post vacancies for apprenticeships / traineeships and employment with the HWLLEN.​
Becoming a partner of the WYC is free and is open to all who are willing to work together as a community to enhance the well-being, learning, training and work opportunities of its young people.
All those who sign up to the Spirit of Co-operation Agreement become partners of the WYC which entitles you to:
Information and resource sharing
Membership of the WYC Community Team
Partnership development opportunities with other members
Opportunities to promote your activities through the WYC network
Input into the decision-making processes of the WYC
Community Team Meetings
The WYC Community Team draws together local practitioners involved in addressing young people’s wellbeing, education, training and employment needs to facilitate opportunities for working together.
Each meeting is themed, and participants are encouraged to share information and resources relevant to the meeting focus.
WYC Community Team meeting schedule 2025
Venue: EDGE Community Space, Westfield Plenty Valley, 415 McDonalds Road, Mill Park
Time: 1:00pm-2:30pm (a light lunch is provided)
2025 Dates
Wednesday 19th February
Wednesday 11th June
Wednesday 10th September
Wednesday 26th November
WYC Strategic Advisory Group Meetings
The WYC Strategic Advisory Group provides strategic oversight for the goals and associated activities of the WYC Action Plan which is revised every 3 years.
WYC Strategic Advisory Group meeting schedule 2025
Venue: Edge Community Space, Westfield Plenty
Valley, 415 McDonalds Road, Mill Park
Time: 12:30pm-2:00pm (a light lunch is provided)
2025 Dates
Wednesday 26th February
Wednesday 18th June
Wednesday 27th August
Wednesday 17th September
Wednesday 3rd December
WYC Forum/Spirit of Cooperation Agreement:
(To be confirmed)
For information regarding these meetings, including registration, agendas and minutes, please contact Helen Mecozzi: helen.m@hwllen.com.au
Events & Programs
18 MARCH 2025
Career Networking Expo connects representatives from education, employment, and business sectors with young people seeking to expand their career networks and explore pathway options. Workshop sessions for registered school groups enhance students’ understanding of career networking and provide resources to boost their engagement. Suitable for students of all ages; school groups must register.
For more information contact our staff: hwllen@hwllen.com.au